Thursday, October 6, 2011



Yes my friends, that's right.  It's what I like to call a "Black & Orange" instead of a "Black & Tan," or a Pumpkinness.  Half PumKing from Southern Tier, half Guinness... pure genius.  The guys at Blue Tusk know what they're doing and this beer combination is fantastic!  While I thoroughly enjoy the sweetness and overpowering spice level of a tradional PumKing (Southern Tier), a Pumpkinness (I came up with the name, no need to thank me) really mellows out these flavors and the Guinness infuses the PumKing with roasty, dark and malty flavors.  The aroma of the PumKing still floats above the Guinness to smack you in the face every time you take a sip, which is amazing.  And when you get to the end of the beer, it's pure, delicious PumKing.  Thanks Blue Tusk!

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