Friday, May 13, 2011

Floozy Spotting! (5/11/11)

There's an epidemic sweeping bars all across Syracuse, New York.  An epidemic so serious that we decided that we must cover it on Over Carbonated.  Floozies have been in full force lately.  Maybe it's the nice weather, maybe it's because they can finally pull out that jean skirt they've been saving all winter to wear or maybe it's because they have no shame.  No matter what the case is, we here at Over Carbonated believe we need to bring awareness to this epidemic.  Please look for the following floozy warning signs:
  • Wiggle dancing
  • Talking over everyone else in the bar
  • Making inappropriate and less than intelligent remarks
  • Most likely over 45 years old... at a bar where the average age is 25
  • Wearing scandalous clothing, and not in a good way
  • Making friends with anyone who will give them attention (especially guy "friends")
  • Drinking a vodka & redbull, or a Bud Light (extra lime)
These women have not a care in the world so they definitely wouldn't care if we exploit their ridiculousness on our blog.  Welcome to our new label "Floozy Spotting."  We caught a floozy in full-blown action this past Wednesday at JRyans.  We'll be documenting these floozies as they come and sharing their stories.  Please enjoy the documentation below.  Of course, it is always nice to stage pictures of the floozy you are capturing although they probably wouldn't recognize that you were taking photos of them anyways since most of the time they are bombed.

Notice the classy see through top revealing a revealing tank top and booty shorts.

Oy, she's mastering the wiggle dance!  While the wiggle dance is a standard for floozies it can sometimes be difficult to document. 

Here is her gentlemen caller who recognizes that she's had a few too many Bud Lights and therefore he's taken it upon himself to comfort her.

A Jason, Krysten and dash of Damon Production

1 comment:

  1. i bet damon wishes he had more than a dash to do with this
